Mount a DAV file system to synchronize Kontact
Find here a solution so synchronize your Kontact address book and Memotoo in both ways.
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How to install
Mount a DAV file system (install the davfs2 package if necessary)
(replace below "user" with your Linux login)
Create a folder in your home:
mkdir /home/user/contactsDAV
2 possibilities to mount this folder:
- Manually
- Type:
sudo mount -t davfs -o uid=user /home/user/contactsDAV
- And enter your Memotoo login and password.
- (To umount the folder, type: sudo umount /home/user/contactsDAV)
- When you start your computer
- Type:
sudo vim /etc/fstab
- Add this line: /home/user/contactsDAV davfs nolocks,uid=user,auto 0 0
- Type:
vim /etc/davfs2/secrets
- Add this line: login password (enter your Memotoo login and password)
- More information on davfs:
Create a directory address book in Kontact
- Open Kontact
- Click "Add ..." and "Directory"
- Select your folder mounted
- Now you see all your contacts in Kontact
See Also