Open my Memotoo account

Sync many Mozilla Thunderbird with the same account and Funambol plugin

If you want to synchronize two Mozilla Thunderbird with the Funambol plugin, you can one have problem because Memotoo believes it is one Mozilla Thunderbird and not two plug-in installed on two computers.

To correct this, you must change the plug-in ID on one:

On Windows

  • Open Regedit (by going in "Start" menu, "Execute" and enter "regedit")
  • Search "fmz-thunderbird-plugin" or go directly to the key:
  • Modify the value "DevID" -> for example with "fmz-thunderbird-plugin-1" (the name have no importance but keep "fmz-" at the beginning)

On Linux

  • Open the file:
  • Modify the value "devID" -> for example with "fmz-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-1" (the name have no importance but keep "fmz-" at the beginning)


How to sync Mozilla Thunderbird and Memotoo